Kendrick Lamar To Release Man Spider Collaboration Album

The famous rapper Kenderk Lamar recently has done the releasing of his the "Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers" to good reviews

In the recent, a user of "reddit" (thank for the correcting from the rebbit to reddit.) claims to be a close relative to Mr. Lamar. He said Kendrick will be releasing deluxe version of album his "Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers"!! This is great because new song possibility maybe. The even have attachment the mp3 file of one of the deluxo songs.

It is the track "Mirror" which the last is song on his the album. And Lamer hints at a new album in the tracking.

Video is above of the lyrical of this leaking. "Are we really getting a new album already? This is insane, thank you kendrick lamar for your amazing music!!" Said user u\Zeospace.

Some people have been saying that the family member could the possiblity be the baby keem. Creator of famous hit single, "Fortnite". He is a very close collaboration with Kendrark. On the famous song "Family Ties".

"Could this be keemstar leaking a kendrick song?" said another user of reddit.

Either way, we are very exciting to see this new spiderman and kendrick lamar album. Happy listen!
Written By: Oculus Questings


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