Travis Scott is the very famous rapper of the new generation.

You may have heard him from the hit single, "10 casualties" after the very controversial accident at the big show. (big game)

He was seen outside of his house being detained by the popo.

Picture above (taken by apache helicopter owned by local resident)

When the coaps entered his apartman, the first thing that did the catch of their eye were the large amount of the video game cartrage. It does the turning out, Tarpis Scab was running an illegal video game free download website. The revenue from all of the adis were funding his sessions in the studio. His bail was announce the live on social medias. It is the total price of every game he ever did the illegal. It counts up to the 30M dollar. How will he do the recovering from this? We wish the good lucking of the Travis.

Written By: Oculus Riftings


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